Saturday, September 15, 2007


Dear Croc wearers,
If you wear these, please don't take offense--you'll thank me for it later. Take them off your feet now. Place them in the garbage can. Shut the lid. Don't get me wrong, I understand they are comfortable, but these are not for wear in public. You may wear them in your garden, or around your house--that's it. And please for crying out loud, I'm begging you, don't wear them with socks! It just makes me worry that none of your friends care enough about you to tell you the truth.



Liz said...

Buttttt...what am I supposed to wear if I can't wear my crocs? ;-) never fear, mine are only for use at the lake.

RambleRedhead said...

I can't agree with you more regarding the crocs - they should be banned.

Walt said...

I'm not too bright. I left my Crocs comment in the wrong place. Arggh!

Fairy Princess Holly said...

Walt, you were bright enough to fix my pic--so you're smarter than me!

Fairy Princess Holly said...

Liz, you can wear them to the fact that is the perfect place to wear them, other than your garden!

Anonymous said...

I didnt even know they had a name. Walt and I were talking about them just yesterday. Eerie.

Nessa said...

The only persons I see wearing them out here are children. Bright purple ones. They are ugly.