I took one bite of my grilled cheese, and the crumbs fell this way. I didn't touch them at all. Weird isn't it?? Matty and I were thinking of starting our own cult...I mean church based on the smiley crumbs.

Matty and I at Duplex for lunch before my company holiday party. Try the poutine, you won't be sorry.

Me through the water globe

Matty through a glass globe. Makes me laugh

Matty and me with a dinosaur.

Shenanigans at the Gift shop after the King Tut exhibit at the MN Science Museum. We had so much fun that day. I love the Science Museum!

Turkeys crossing the street in Northeast Minneapolis. They were huge!

A "Malted Cristo" at Three Squares. It's a Monte Cristo with a waffle, and an ancho-berry dipping sauce. It's sweet, spicy, salty, and savory. SO good!

Matty and Sunshine. She adored him from the moment she laid eyes on him, which is amazing because she was abused and is very skittish of everyone

Matty and River

Something I found at Target that made me laugh

Yeah, we were sitting together tweeting at one another...it's how we do.

Nieman's will apparently let anyone in these days...

Shenanigans at Neiman Marcus

Me, Mary and Matty

Matty and Mary Tyler Moore

Men's room at Hell's Kitchen. I always assumed they both had halos...guess the boys get mustaches. :)

Women's restroom at Hell's Kitchen. Love the halo, always makes me laugh

OMG Inc! Totally makes me laugh still!

Matty at Nickelodeon Universe

Kind of how I view most of humanity.

This mobile that was hanging I'm going to classify as art because I liked the balance between order and chaos that it shows.

This one is bullshit because it's basically tape spelling out words, but art because the message seemed to fit.

Weird rhinestone buck. Awesome in a bizarre way. It wasn't bullshit.

Me and "art", I kinda wish I would have bought those magnets at the Walker gift shop.

Some of the art at the Walker. I actually liked this. If you know me, you'll know why this speaks to me. We played a little game of "Art or Bullshit" at the gallery. Know what? There's a lot of bullshit, but it was fun. Apparently, they hire judgmental hipsters at the Walker. I was yelled at twice by the staff. Once because I opened up Twitter (of course I did) and there were no photos allowed in this part of the museum, and the creep hipster thought I was taking a picture, and once because my Walker tag wasn't displayed. (I had it in my pocket because there was no good place to put it on my outfit)

Matty and the Cherry Spoonbridge

We went to the sculpture garden at the Walker Art Center

Pretending to see the Justin Bieber movie. Oh well, made us laugh anyway.

Matty heading to the Mall of America

Nerds! Matty and I saw "Sanctum" in 3D

Breakfast at Keys with Matty.